Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ah, the start of my favorite Marvel bromance!

Of course, even in a team book like Avengers #5, including a few panels of Tony's brooding over his medically-precarious situation is straight-up mandatory. The melodrama demands it!

Right here, we have Tony - the big, brave doofus - charging in alone to battle the Lava Men -- only to be quickly overwhelmed by their numbers and their heat. The man may be an electronics genius, but he's also defined by his epic dumbass energy. <3

Cap just pulled Tony's bacon out of the fire a few pages ago -- so naturally, Tony is willing to return the favor. That's what bros do for each other.

Uh. Okay, Tony. You can stop mooning over Cap any time now.

Bonus Cap PSA:

Remember, kids: maintain a healthy lifestyle or you will disappoint Captain America!

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