Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I love the honest attention-deficit disorder of these early comics. Screw the build-up; we want to rush right to the reason you bought this mag!

That dastardly Stark! Why does he have to be such an honest businessman?

I tripped? I tripped? You'd think a genius would be able to come up with a better excuse. But that's Tony: he's basically the worst liar ever.

I love this one because it touches upon a recurring theme of these early issues: the conflict between the public's perception of Tony and the reality.

This right here, though? This is, hands down, the best part of Tales of Suspense #47. It might even be one of the best short sequences in the entire Tales of Suspense run. As I've said on my other fan blog and on YouTube, Tony isn't a superhero because he has armor; his true superpower is his intelligence and ingenuity. And every time an Iron Man comic highlights this fact, you're looking at one of my top-rated issues.

Bonus junior-high-sex content of the day:

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