Oh, Tony. Oh, honey-child. Please don't do this. The fact that you're vulnerable - that your heart is literally broken - doesn't mean you must deny yourself love. Why are you even like this?
Here, we have Tony being adorable with his tech again.
"Cutest little super-powered jets." Sigh. You big nerd!
And here, we have Tony facing the classical hero's test: Do you succumb to the temptation to dominate others? Do you abuse your power? Naturally, Tony says no -- because originally, he wasn't arrogant. (See this post for further commentary on Tony's early humility and how it was retconned out of existence by later writers.)
Gasp! Iron Man's first cliff-hanger! Will Tony get out of the Mandarin's stronghold alive? Well, yes, obviously. Otherwise, this would've been a very short-lived character instead of one of Marvel's greatest. But this sequence is still a fantastic encapsulation of Tony's personality. We see his determination, his complete lack of anxiety when it comes to his own death, his tendency towards severe self-criticism, and his patriotism. Woot! Good show! A+!
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