Sunday, September 5, 2021

Welcome, readers, to my personal What If? Festival!

Because Marvel is currently airing their What If? animated series on Disney+, I think it's time I share the captures in my What If? folder. Unless otherwise indicated, these are generally available to read on Marvel Unlimited.

Let's begin first with this:

Click to embiggen!

This is how What If? Age of Ultron #2 opens. Here, Tony is mysteriously yeeted out of the universe right at the moment Obadiah Stane has successfully driven him back into drinking. Consequently, Stane seizes full control of Tony's armor technology and ushers in a full-on dystopian hellscape powered by the fruits of the missing Tony's genius. Needless to say, this issue is basically one of Tony's worst nightmares made manifest -- because he's just not there to stop it!

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